Your Partner, Your Friend
Information Disclosure
As a form of Radana Finance's responsibility to all stakeholders, we convey the disclosure and transparency of information for the public.
Hereby we share the disclosure and transparency of information for all Radana stakeholders
Keterbukaan Informasi Radana Finance PMHTHMETD 18 Mei 2021 (Information Disclosure of Radana Finance PMTHMETD 18 May 2021)
Pernyataan dan atau Perubahan Keterbukaan Informasi Radana Finance PMTHMETD 16 Juni 2021 (Statement and or Change of Information Disclosure of Radana Finance PMTHMETD 16 June 2021)
Pernyataan dan atau Perubahan Keterbukaan Informasi Radana Finance PMTHMETD 22 Juni 2021 (Statement and or Change of Information Disclosure of Radana Finance PMTHMETD 22 June 2021)
Keterbukaan informasi tentang pengunduran diri anggota direksi Radana Finance (Public Disclousure resignation of a member of the board of directors Radana Finance)
Keterbukaan Informasi Perubahan Sekretaris Perusahaan - 1 Maret 2021 (Disclosure of Information on Changes in Corporate Secretary - March 1, 2021)